• タグ別アーカイブ: Headlight
  • Is it blackout? It did not occur after 3.11. However, it was an incident only in the area where I live.

    In the evening, I ate a snack a little and slept.
    And when I noticed the room was dark.
    I thought that breakers in the room were blocked.
    I checked the indoor switch with the light of the smartphone.
    The switch in the room is on.

    So, I thought that the power outage is occurring now.

    When I looked at the watch on the smartphone, the time was past 11 o’clock in the evening.
    I was too sleepy.

    The first thing I thought was that the BitZeny mining computer was turned off, so I was worried that the computer was broken.

    But I felt the temperature in the room was cold, so I wore warm clothes.

    I felt the light of the smartphone was dark, so I found out the headlight for the bicycle and turned on.
    This is very bright.
    It is a wonderful brightness of 1200 lumens.
    JPC LED懐中電灯, ハンディライト 強力 超高輝度 犬の散歩 防災グッズ 1200ルーメン 豊富なセットが付属

    I am in a state where I can not act due to power outages.
    For a while, I was thinking what I should do.

    I also lighted other handlights.
    プロビティー Night Ray(ナイトレイ)200ルーメン 自転車ヘッドライト USB充電 防水/耐塵タイプ(IP65)多機能 小型 LED 懐中電灯 USB充電 ケーブル必要なし 500LM 3モード ズーム機能搭載 携帯便利 防水仕様 ホルダー 自転車 テールライト付属

    Amazing brightness!
    My exciting feeling rises.

    By the way, I wanted to know what was going on outside the blackout.
    I left the room and observed the state of the city.

    When I look around, the street light that is seen far is lit.

    Considering this situation, the blackout occurred in a part of the place where I live.

    But the excitement of blackouts turned into interest.

    I am leaving for exploration in the dark!

    It is flash photography of a compact digital camera.
    Because the light of the flash is small, the scenery in the distance is not reflected.
    In addition, the light of the flash was hidden by my fingers.

    I found TEPCO ‘s recovery team when I am walking in a dark road.
    Moreover, TEPCO’s restoration team seems to be in the final stage.

    For a while, I was watching the work from a distance away.
    The power outage was restored.
    Thank you for the recovery team.

    When I returned to my room, the room light was on.
    I switched on the PC.
    And PC started as usual.
    Good work windows 10

    I confirmed the BitZeny mining data of the PC.
    The blackout occurred around 10:40.
    Restoration of power failure was around 12:16.

    I thought in this power outage case.
    I thought that I was good that I bought a bicycle headlight.